Would you know what to do in a medical emergency?
Our research on University of Warwick students has found a mere 7% reported that they would know what to do in a medical emergency every time. To compound the issue, 79% of students were unaware of any first aid society on campus.
This data suggests a clear need for increased exposure and opportunity to learn first aid at the university. With 57% of surveyed students indicating a willingness to learn more, the WMEM intend to cause a change and get students more engaged with first aid.
On Monday the 2nd of March, WMEM and the First Aid Society will be running a workshop on campus with the aim to educate and give students the ability to act in a medical emergency. Click on the Facebook link to see the event!
How Can I Get Involved?

Wear a Sticker to Raise Awareness

Attend the First Aid Education Event

Join the Warwick First Aid Society

On the 24 / 02 / 2020 come find us on the piazza from 1-3pm to find out more about event in person and talk about the need for greater first aid knowledge
On the 02 / 03 / 2020 the Warwick Emergency Medical Movement event will occur in H0.58 and look to educate people on techniques and responses necessary in times of medical emergency. Within this event you will learn myths about first aid, the importance of first aid knowledge and experience a talk from the Warwick Wilderness First Aid Soceity
Want to know more?
Event Organisers Contact:
Warwick First Aid Society Contact: https://www.warwickfirstaid.co.uk/